Flensburg Exoscopic Neurosurgery System GbR
Jan Regelsberger, Roman Rotermund, Nils Hempel
Lise-Meitner-Str. 2
24941 Flensburg, Germany
Contact: nils.hempel@flenss.de
GDPR mandates to both fully inform you and do so in an easily comprehensible way. We haven't found this solution yet, so we'll be brief at the risk of not giving you a list few people read:
We don't employ any tracking mechanisms and do not attempt to link any activity back to you.
The only exception to this are various forms of attacks that the CDN will try to prevent; there will be some fingerprinting involved due to this.
If you contact us, we will have the information you provide us with and it will certainly be in a form that some DPA will consider to be systematic. While we appreciate all efforts of systematization, this isn't one of them (unless you count saving your details in contacts) - no CRM or the like.
For now this is a prototype without any regulatory approval. All necessary approvals will be obtained in due time; to this end we're already working on the documentation that will ultimately be necessary.